HOBY’s flagship program, the Leadership Seminar is designed to help high school sophomores to recognize their leadership talents and apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace, and community.

Selected students attend our three-day seminar and participate in hands-on leadership activities, meet leaders in our state, and explore their own personal leadership skills while learning how to lead others and make a positive impact in their respective communities.

The seminar curriculum is based on the Social Change Model of Leadership and develops leadership from three perspectives: Personal Leadership, Group Leadership, and Leadership for Society.

The Objectives/Curriculum of the Leadership Seminar are:

  • To enhance student learning and development. More specifically, to develop in each student greater self-knowledge: understanding of one’s talents, values, and interests, especially as these relate to the student’s capacity to provide effective leadership; and
  • Leadership Competence: the capacity to mobilize oneself and others to serve and work collaboratively.
  • For HOBY Ambassadors to become more aware of the responsibility and the importance of volunteerism and empower and motivate them to facilitate positive change in their home, school, and community.
  • To create a community among the identified sophomores with leadership potential.
  • For HOBY Ambassadors to demonstrate and utilize their critical thinking and collaborative skills.
  • For alumni to indicate that the experience changed their lives.
  • For volunteers to report that the experience rewards them by allowing them to participate in students’ lives.
  • For volunteers to identify the experience with sophomores as providing an opportunity to reevaluate their own life goals and objectives.

If you have any questions about the annual Leadership Seminar, please reach out to our Leadership Seminar Chairs at lsc@cthoby.org.

At CT HOBY, high school sophomores build their leadership potential through an inspiring three-day Leadership Seminar based on three leadership perspectives: Personal, Group, and Societal. Nearly 200 “ambassadors” from high schools across the state gather at our local HOBY Leadership Seminar in June every year.

During your HOBY Leadership Seminar, many dynamic leaders—all volunteers from the fields of business, education, government, and other professions—will address aspects of our changing world and the challenges future leaders will confront. The program will not promote any specific political party, religion, or way of thinking; but is designed to develop critical thinking skills by actively involving participants in discussions and informal debates.

During the seminar, participants will be asked to undertake community service project(s) involving at least 100 hours during the year following your seminar, to make a difference in your school, community, place of worship, or other environments where you see a need. The program also includes outstanding speakers, leadership activities, social events, and a special closing ceremony to which your parents are invited.


Our 2025 Leadership Seminar will be held from May 31 – June 1, 2025 at Southern Connecticut State University. If you are a high school sophomore interested in attending, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with your school with questions about ambassador registration!

Registration for the 2025 Leadership Seminar is now open! View the school nomination kit here.


  • Who pays for the seminar?
    • Schools, parents, and cooperating organizations pay for participant Registration Fees. Additional costs are generously provided by sponsors throughout our state, including businesses, foundations, individuals, and service organizations wishing to support leadership education.
  • What should I wear?
    • Dress is casual throughout the weekend.
  • What about religious services?
    • Religious services are not offered at the Connecticut HOBY Seminar.
  • What should I do if I’m not sure I can attend the seminar?
    • If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending the entire seminar, we would like to give another student the opportunity to attend. Please return these forms to the person at your school who selected you, and follow up with an email to the Leadership Seminar Chairs at lsc@cthoby.org.
  • Who may I contact should I have additional questions?
    • Additional questions or concerns should be directed to the Leadership Seminar Chairs at lsc@cthoby.org.